Kiilto Cleaner 307

Cleaner for 1-component adhesive equipment and nozzles.




The product can be used for cleaning the nozzles and other parts of PUR adhesive application equipment. The product is also suitable for cleaning adhesive residues and spills.

Package Size Product Code
Kiilto Cleaner 307 200 kgl/200 l T2326.200
Kiilto Cleaner 307 5 l T2326.005

Low-viscosity liquid

Density/specific weight

Approx. 0.96 kg/dm³



Working conditions

Boiling point 241 °C
Flashpoint 108 °C


Unopened above +1 °C for 12 months. After long storing, stir before use.

Instructions for use

Use the product as it is, without diluting it. Leave on for longer if necessary. Items to be cleaned can also be immersed in the product. NOTE: When using the product to wash polyurethane equipment, always ensure that the seals in contact with the solvent are EPDM rubber or PTFE (e.g. Teflon®). Other sealing materials may experience swelling and brittleness of the seal over a prolonged period.

The product must not be disposed of down the drain, but instead be taken to a municipal hazardous waste collection point.

Additional information

The information in this data sheet is based on our own research and practical knowledge. The technical values have been measured in standardised conditions. If the local conditions differ from these, they and the working methods will affect the values and the product’s functionality. The way the work is carried out also has a significant impact on the end result. Kiilto Oy bears responsibility for ensuring that the product quality meets our quality system standards. However, the local conditions and working methods are beyond our control, and therefore we cannot be held responsible for the final result. The user must ensure suitability for the intended purpose

Environment and safety

Avoid unnecessary skin contact and exposure to fresh product. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye/face protection. Read the product safety data sheet. Please see our website for information on product and packaging disposal.

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