In the data and info bank you will find logos as well as Professional hygiene product images, work instructions, brochures and catalogs. You can search for product images by product name or code.
See also:
Data and info bank material is solely intended for the advertising of Kiilto products or product-related communications, and other publications and releases regarding Kiilto. Material in the data and info bank is protected under intellectual property rights. It is forbidden to use such material in a misleading manner, in breach of good business practices, or in a manner which Kiilto considers inappropriate. Kiilto reserves all intellectual property rights to the contents of the data and info bank. Kiilto has the right, at any time, to forbid the use of the materials on the basis of a unilateral notification. Otherwise, the Finnish Copyright Act shall apply. If necessary, you can check the material’s right of use from Kiilto: