Start with personal hygiene
Good personal hygiene is always important to remember when handling food and food orders. The hands must be washed frequently enough with soap and disinfected as necessary (e.g. Erisan Soap, Erisan Etasept, Erisan Käsihuuhde). It is also recommended to provide customers with hand disinfectant at the entrance.
Healthy skin is the best protection against viruses, and moisturising the hands (e.g. Erisan Hydra Cream) helps keep skin intact and fight pathogens. Protective gloves can also be worn, but they must be replaced often enough and always when switching between work phases. Dirty protective gloves spread impurities, and endanger the safety of employees and customers alike.
Cleaning for safety
For basic cleaning, use mildly alkaline detergents (e.g. Kiilto Forte, Kiilto Plusclean), or other detergents or disinfectants normally used in cleaning (e.g. Kiilto Antibact). Always clean from the cleanest to the dirtiest areas. During cleaning, special attention should be paid to surfaces in the food pick-up area (service counter, card devices, etc.) and to all surfaces that are often touched, such as door handles, table surfaces and light switches. Use a disinfectant when necessary. Separate sets of equipment should be used for customer premises and staff areas, and the equipment itself must be carefully cleaned after use.
Things to remember with home deliveries
If the restaurant’s own staff deliver food, they must be instructed on good hygiene, and it must be made possible. Transportation boxes, payment terminals and so on must be kept clean and disinfected as necessary. Ready-to-use products are easy to carry; detergents such as Kiilto Superquick Spurt and disinfectants such as Tevan Panox 200 and Kiilto Easydes Spray are good choices. Ready-to-use solutions also allow cleaning outside the premises.