Recycling and disposal of packaging

Recycling reduces the environmental impact of packaging

Modern society as we know it revolves around packaging. The packaging protects and contains the contents of a product throughout the logistical chain, communicates the brand and recommended use of an item. But packaging is just as much an enemy as a friend to society due to its hidden costs to the environment. After using the product, the packaging becomes waste.

While packaging is an unavoidable part of everyday life, recycling promises better end-of-life options by preserving raw materials. Instead of being a throw away society, the EU Waste Directive has set new recycling targets for packaging materials.

The recycling target for plastic packaging in particular is tightening. In 2025, 50 % of plastic packaging must be recycled and in 2030 55 %.

Environmental leadership guides Kiilto actions

Kiilto reduces the use of fossil and virgin packaging material every year. Our targets are

  • 70 % or our packaging material is reused, renewable or recycled by 2025.
  • We help our customers recycle by including environmental information on every product packaging by 2022.

Please check our country-specific websites for local recycling and disposal instructions of packaging

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