Easy-to-apply Kiilto Pro wall adhesives result in a clean and even surface. Kiilto wall adhesives are easy to apply and cover large areas, and any excess adhesive is easy to clean off. Our wide selection of wall adhesives has the right products for attaching the most common wallpapers, from textile and paper to glass fibre wallpapers.
Kiilto Pro wallpapering products have been given a new look!
We have given our familiar wall adhesive products new, more environmentally friendly containers made of up to 75–100 % recycled plastic, depending on the size of package. This change is part of Kiilto’s Promise to the Environment. We have also changed the names of a few of our familiar products. You can find all Kiilto Pro wallpapering products on this page. Old product names are given in parentheses.

Kiilto Combi Wallpapering adhesive
For fixing paper and dimensionally stable fibre wallpapers, as well as paintable fibre wallpapers in dry interior areas.
Paper wallpaper • Vinyl wallpaper with paper backing • Dimensionally stable non-woven fibre wallpaper • Paintable fibre wallpaper

Kiilto NoWo Wallpaper adhesive
For hanging dimensionally stable, non-woven wallpapers on absorbent or painted substrates. Suitable for both manual and machine application.
Dimensionally stable non-woven fibre wallpaper • Paintable fibre wallpaper

Kiilto Durable Fiberglass wallpaper adhesive (formerly Kiilto Lasikuitutapettiliima)
Suitable for hanging glass fibre and hessian woven fabrics in dry indoor areas. Surface can be painted 24 hours after papering. Also suitable for textile and vinyl wallpapers with paper backing.
Glass fibre wallpaper • Hessian fibre-woven fabric

Kiilto Paste Eco Ready-mixed wallpaper paste (formerly Kiilto Valmisliisteri)
A water-soluble, ready-mixed adhesive for fixing paper and paper-backed vinyl wallpapers indoors. Suitable for both manual and machine pasting.
Paper wallpaper • Paper-backed vinyl wallpaper

Kiilto Heavy Adhesive for heavy wallcoverings (formerly Kiilto 1 Kuivan tilan seinäliima)
For fixing paper, PVC and glass fibre-backed vinyl and fabric wallpapers, hessian and glass fibre woven fabrics, and grass and reed wallpapers in dry areas.
Glass fibre wallpaper • Hessian woven fabrics • Vinyl wallpaper • Fabric wallpaper • Grass wallpaper • Reed wallpaper • PVC wallpaper

Kiilto Even Lining paper adhesive (formerly Kiilto 2 Tasoitetapettiliima)
For fixing paper, PVC and glass fibre-backed vinyl and fabric wallpapers, hessian and glass fibre woven fabrics, and grass and reed wallpapers in dry areas.
Glass fibre wallpaper • Hessian woven fabrics • Vinyl wallpaper • Fabric wallpaper • Grass wallpaper • Reed wallpaper • PVC wallpaper

Kiilto Wall Eco Wallpaper paste powder
A starch-based wallpaper paste for hanging paper wallpapers and light paper-backed embossed wallpapers in dry indoor areas. For both manual and machine application.
Paper wallpaper