
“When sustainability is genuinely integral to what you do, you don't have to highlight it. You can see and feel it in all company activities and interaction, and follow its general development. It is an abundance of intangible issues, a whole made up of tiny parts." Erkki Solja, CEO, Kiilto

Creating wellbeing from cleanliness and building a sustainable future

Our commitment results in making responsible choices every day. We believe that our industry is filled with potential when it comes to finding sustainable innovations and solutions of the future. Solutions that nurture the well-being of people and the nature and contribute to creating a balance between environment and our society.

Our Promise to the Environment

We have made a Promise to the Environment that is a part of our corporate culture and leads the way we think and operate on all company levels. We are driven by environmental leadership.


Our Promise to the People

As a workplace, Kiilto provides a safe and inspiring environment and an opportunity for continuous personal development. Motivated staff are the basis of financial success and the resulting added value shared by everyone.


Sustainable Governance

Kiilto is living through a period of growth and renewal. We are investing heavily in developing our expertise and management, and in our experimental culture. Involving our staff in innovation has created new perspectives on our business in the coming years.


Sustainability report 2023

Our sustainability report is an important part of the road map to achieve Kiilto’s strategy and vision. This report is also a tool for Kiilto’s stakeholders, making it easier for customers to assess Kiilto’s performance from a sustainability perspective. Read Kiilto´s sustainability report 2023 here.

EcoVadis Silver achieves a greater sense of stakeholder trust in our sustainability performance


Towards environmental leadership

We have chosen environment as the core of our sustainability work and made an ambitious promise to it. Our Promise to the Environment defines us and is reflected in all the decisions we make on our way to reach the environmental leadership in our field. It is the bedrock we stand on, side by side with our customers, helping them to reduce their environmental footprint, and sharing our expertise also for others, resulting in the benefit of the whole industry.

Our Promise to the Environment consists of four different sectors that cover all our operations:

By accomplishing tangible actions that benefit the environment, we are creating a network of professionals from four different business areas, resulting in a powerful drive for change. In addition, we influence in decision making in many sectors. By reclaiming Our Promise to the Environment, we also support other parts of our corporate responsibility as the state of the environment effects ever increasingly on all the levels of society.

Read more about Our Promise to the Environment.

Committed to shared goals

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), adopted at the United Nation’s summit 2015, are the 17 global goals to end poverty,
protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Kiilto is also contributing to SDG’s and we have identified the following SDG’s to be the most critical ones for our operations:

  • SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 Climate Action

Wondering about some environmental topic? Let´s see if we can help

Environmental issues are not always easy or unambiguous. Our environmental experts are happy to help you. Please, send your question to, and we will do our best in finding the answer.

Lets make the better tomorrow together

Together we can do more and find better solutions for more sustainable tomorrow. That is why we are keen to work closely with universities, research institutions and other companies. Cooperation enables us all to combine the latest innovations, years of experience and knowledge and the top-level expertice in different fields.

We are also happy to share our knowledge and best practises about how to build more sustainable industry. If you need a key note speaker or a panelists to your event, we have several experts that can provide state-of-art insight and inspirational examples about the topic.

Raija Polvinen
Chief Ecosystem Officer
Oili Kallatsa
RDI Director, Professional Hygiene

Read the latest news about Our Promise to the Environment

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