Industrial Adhesives and Fireproofing

We have been providing high-quality chemical industry solutions for over 100 years. Continuous renewal and development have made us a specialist in adhesives and flame retardants. Our goal is to help our customers develop their operations and succeed through continuous improvement

Industrial Adhesive Solutions

Wood Industry Adhesives Kiilto


Kiilto offers durable and high-quality bonding solutions for the wood industry, based on over a century of experience in extremely challenging Nordic conditions.

Structural Adhesives Industry Kiilto

Structural Bonding

Our adhesives ensure the implementation of the most demanding technical and production-efficient solutions. The bonds are durable between various materials and in changing conditions – in oils and chemicals, and at high and low temperatures when necessary.

paper packaging industry adhesives kiilto

Paper and Packaging

Choosing a reliable adhesive can ensure process continuity. Various materials to be glued like plastic and metal films, as well as how the end product is used, make the choice of adhesive even more important.

other industrial adhesives kiilto


Our products play an important role in ensuring high quality and efficient manufacture in many industrial processes.

Flame Retardant Solutions

wood flame retardants kiilto fireproof


Wood has held its ground as a multipurpose building material suitable for a range of purposes. Wood can be made more competitive and attractive in a number of segments by improving its flame retardancy.

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paper cardboard flame retardants kiilto fireproof

Paper and Cardboard

Untreated paper and cardboard are highly flammable materials. This makes their use problematic in many applications.The fire properties of paper or cardboard can be markedly improved by treating them with flame retardants.

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filter media flame retardants kiilto fireproof

Filter Media and Special Products

With Kiilto Fireproof N series you can upgrade your filter media to meet new standards. The Kiilto Fireproof N series is also suited for other demanding applications, including insulation materials.

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Welcome to Kiilto’s World

A new adhesive line with further improved quality and efficiency in bonding of load-bearing wooden structures
