Kiilto Cleaner 302
Cleaner for two-component adhesive application equipment and nozzles.
Kiilto Cleaner 302 is a new type of cleaner that is safer for the user as well as the environment than the traditional high-volatile and flammable solvents such as acetone, toluene, methylene chloride and glycol ether. Its solubility in most organic solvents is very high, but is low in water. Kiilto Cleaner 302 special features include efficiency, very low toxicity, low evaporation, high boiling point and low odour. Kiilto Cleaner 302 can be used for the cleaning of nozzles and mixers of two-component, PU-adhesive machines. It is suitable also for removing fresh adhesive stains and splashes.
Package Size | Product Code |
Kiilto Cleaner 302 20 kg/20 l | T2590.020 |
Kiilto Cleaner 302 200 kg/200 l | T2590.200 |
Kiilto Cleaner 302 IBC cont | T2590.994 |
Low viscous liquid
approx. 1.1 kg/dm³
20 l
In unopened containers at +10–25 °C for 18 months.
Kiilto Cleaner 302 is used as it comes and is undiluted. If necessary, allow the cleaner to take effect for a longer time. Tools to be cleaned can also be immersed in Kiilto Cleaner 302. NOTE! When using Kiilto Cleaner 302 for the cleaning of polyurethane mixing equipment, the gasket material that comes into contact with the cleaner must be of EPDM rubber or polytetrafluoroethylene (e.g. Teflon®). Other materials may swell or become brittle over time.
The information given in this product data sheet is based on our tests and our practical knowledge. The technical data is defined in standard conditions. Variations in local working conditions will affect the product performance and result. The result is also strongly affected by working methods. We guarantee the high quality of our products according to our Quality Management System. No liability can be accepted from incorrect use of the product or prevailing conditions, over which we have no control. Thus, we cannot be held responsible for the final result. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the intended application.