Kiilto Pro B3
Moisture resistant wood adhesive

Multi-purpose, moisture-resistant universal adhesive suitable for woodwork and furniture installation, among other things. Excellent adhesion to several materials, and quick-drying. 

Special features

  • for interior and exterior use 
  • suitable also for moisture-resistant applications in kitchen and bathroom environments
  • suitable for assembly adhesion
  • moisture resistance class D3
  • not suitable for constructions that are immersed in water (e.g. exterior structures of boats)




Kiilto B3 is a water-based, one-component moisture resistant wood adhesive for tongue and groove gluing of engineered parquet or laminate floor, gluing in window and door manufacture, gluing of fittings and decorations in damp areas.

Due to good water-resistance (D3), Kiilto B3 can be used in- and outside for applications that are exposed to short-term water contact repeatedly. Kiilto B3 is not suitable for constructions that are in continuous contact with water (e.g. boats)

Package Size Product Code EAN Code
1/3 l T1031.925 6411511031331
3 l T1031.003 6411511031034
3/4 l T1031.935 6411511031751
10 l T1031.010 6411511031102

White, transparent after drying


120 - 150 g/m²


Engineered parquet tongue and groove approx. 15 m²/l
Laminate floor tongue and groove 15-20 m²/l

Minimum film forming temperature

+4 °C

Pressing time

18 min. (Pine, wood's moisture 12 %, temperature 20 °C, 50 % RH)


In unopened containers, above +1 °C, for 12 months. After long storing, stir before use.


Reactive PVAc-dispersion


12000 mPas (Brookfield RVT +20 °C)

Wood moisture content

6 - 15 %



Instructions for use

Kiilto B3 is ready to use. If needed, it can be diluted with max. 3 % water, and mix properly. Apply the adhesive one-sided in an even layer. Position the pieces together and press. Pressing time depends on joint fitting and working conditions.

Remove fresh adhesive stains with water. Dried adhesive can be removed only mechanically.

Final moisture and heat resistance is reached within approx. 1 week. The adhesive joint is transparent after drying.


  Adhesive amount (g/m²) Open time (min)
 120 5
 150 10


Additional information

The information given in this product data sheet is based on our tests and our practical knowledge. The technical data is defined in standard conditions. Variations in local working conditions and methods will affect the product performance and result. We guarantee the high quality of our products according to our Quality Management System. No liability can be accepted from incorrect use of the product or prevailing conditions, over which we have no control. Thus, we cannot be held responsible for the final result. The user of the product must test product’s suitability to the intended application.

Environment and safety

Avoid unnecessary skin contact and exposure with the fresh product, use safety gloves. Refer to material safety data sheet. For information on product and package disposal, visit