Kiilto Combi
Wallpapering adhesive

A multi-purpose wall adhesive for paper and dimensionally stable non-woven wallpapers as well as paintable wallpapers in dry areas. Wallpaper glued with Kiilto Combi can be removed later with Kiilto Easy Remover.

Special features

  • multi-purpose, easy to apply, removable with Kiilto Easy Remover
  • for paper and non-woven wallpapers, paintable non-woven wallpapers
  • economical, 3-6 m²/l
  • can be painted after 24 h of the gluing




Designed for dimensionally stable, non-woven paper wallpapers on absorbent or painted substrates. For both manual and machine application. Suitable also for use with the pre-soaking method with paper-backed wallpapers. Not for full plastic materials or plastic substrates. Complies with the M1 Emission Classification for Building Materials.

Package Size EAN Code
1 l 6411511024012
5 l 6411511024050
10 l 6411511024104
Application temperature

+18–25 °C


5–6 m²/l non-woven, 3–5 m²/l paper-backed with a pre-soaking method

Density/specific weight

approx. 1.05

Frost resistance


Package sizes

1 l, 5 l, 10 l


In unopened containers, above +1 °C, for 18 months. After long storing, stir before use. An opened container must be used within a month.

Substrate humidity

wood: 8–12 %, concrete: max. 3 % by weight or below 85 % RH


PVAc dispersion and modified starch

Instructions for use

Carry out work at normal room temperature. Both the wallpaper and paste should be allowed to acclimatise to the room temperature. The surface must be dry, even, firm and clean. Remove old wallpapers and loose paint. Smooth and sand any irregularities. Prime or pre-paste highly absorbent substrates. Use a damp-proof matt primer paint or an adhesive thinned 1:1 with water for priming. Wash painted surfaces with, for example, Kiilto Maalarinpesu (painter's cleaner) and rinse well.

Dimensionally stable, non-woven wallpapers do not swell with moisture and do not need pre-soaking. Apply paste with, e.g., a roller in an even layer to the wall or with a paste machine on the back of the wallpaper. Start from the ceiling line and press the wallpaper length with a rigid brush or plain spatula from the middle towards the edges to remove all bubbles. Avoid staining the wallpaper surface with the paste. Remove excess paste from the joints immediately with, e.g., a damp cloth or sponge. Vigorous rubbing may impair the colour or gloss of the wallpaper. Suitable also for paintable, dimensionally stable wallpapers and paper-backed wallpapers after pre-soaking. But not for meshy (fibreglass) woven materials. Provide effective ventilation in the work area. Follow primarily the wallpaper manufacturer's instructions.

Additional information

The information given in this product data sheet is based on our tests and our practical knowledge. The technical data is defined in standard conditions. Variations in local working conditions and methods will affect the product performance and result. We guarantee the high quality of our products according to our Quality Management System. No liability can be accepted from incorrect use of the product or prevailing conditions, over which we have no control. Thus, we cannot be held responsible for the final result. The correct use of the product presupposes that the user has made him/herself aware of the contents of the working instructions and procedure guide, if provided.

Environment and safety

Avoid unnecessary skin contact and exposure with the fresh product, use safety gloves. Refer to material safety data sheet. For information on product and package disposal, visit

M1 emission classification for building material
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