Kiilto Pro D4 Polyuretan
Weather resistant wood glue

Extremely durable wood adhesive for interior and exterior use High thermal resistance. Suitable also for gluing wood on metal and plastics. One-component, moisture curing.

Special features

  • extremely durable wood adhesive
  • well-suited for outdoor furniture applications
  • water resistance class D4
  • high thermal resistance up to 70 °C
  • for interior and exterior use
  • PUR adhesive




Wood adhesive for interior and exterior applications. One of the surfaces to be glued can be also plastic or metal. When gluing different types of plastics and metals, ensure proper adhesion by conducting preliminary tests. Not suitable for the gluing of load-bearing structures. One-component moisture curing adhesive for wood. The product has good heat resistance and is excellent for adhesive applications requiring water resistance.

Package Size Product Code EAN Code
3/4 l T1106.935 6411511106756


Compression pressure

0.6 - 1.0 N/mm²


150 - 300 g/m²

Density/specific weight

approx. 1.2 kg/dm³

Open time

Max. 25 min

Package sizes

3/4 l

Pressing time

2–4 h


Can be stored in an unopened package at +20 °C for 9 months.



Wood moisture content

6 - 20 % (we recommend approx. 12 - 15 % moisture)

Instructions for use

The surfaces to be bonded must be free from dirt and dust. Apply the adhesive in an even layer on one of the surfaces. Press the surfaces together within the open time and keep them firmly pressed until the glue has bonded. Remove fresh glue stains with a dry piece of cloth and clean the residue with acetone or xylene. Hardened glue can only be removed by mechanical means. Temperature of room, materials and glue +18–20 °C. Use Kiilto D4 in normal room temperature. Both the materials and adhesive should be allowed to acclimatise to the room temperature. Prevailing conditions such as temperature of the room, glue and materials as well as air humidity, quality and moisture of materials and the amount of glue applied strongly affect the bonding speed and curing. Therefore, our recommendations should only be used as a guide.

Environment and safety

Avoid unnecessary skin contact and exposure with the fresh product, use safety gloves. Refer to material safety data sheet. For information on product and package disposal, visit

M1 emission classification for building material
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