Kestopur 200/S is a solvent-free, isocyanate hardener for two-component Kestopur polyurethane adhesives.

Special features

  • Check the correct hardener on the adhesive's technical data sheet




Kestopur 200/S is used as a hardener for two-component Kestopur polyurethane adhesives. Check the correct hardener on the technical data sheet.

Package Size Product Code
Kestopur 200/S kovete 24 kg/20 l tynnyri T2134.024
Kestopur 200/S kovete 24kg/20 l T2134.020
Kestopur 200/S kovete 250 kg/200 l T2134.200
Kestopur 200/S kovete 4,8 kg/5 l T2134.962
Kestopur 200/S kovete 700 g/750 ml T2134.935
Kestopur 200/S kovete IBC cont T2134.994
Kestopur 200/S kovete Schütz cont T2134.996
Kestopur 200/S kovete muoviast 3 kg/ 3 l T2134.303
Kestopur 200/S kovete muoviast 2.2 kg/ 3 l T2134.003
Density/specific weight

approx. 1.23±0.03 kg/dm³



Mixing ratio

See Technical data sheet of the adhesive.


180–240 mPas (Brookfield RVT 2/20, 20 °C)


Unopened at +10–25 °C for 12 months

Instructions for use

Add Kestopur 200/S hardener to Kestopur resin and mix properly. Follow the given mixing ratio carefully. Too small or too big an amount of hardener will result in incomplete hardening and in most cases too soft a result. Avoid contact with moisture. This might cause gas formation and viscosity to increase. Ensure proper ventilation and wear suitable protective clothing.

Additional information

The information given in this product data sheet is based on our tests and our practical knowledge. The technical data is defined in standard conditions. Variations in local working conditions will affect the product performance and result. The result is also strongly affected by working methods. We guarantee the high quality of our products according to our Quality Management System. No liability can be accepted from incorrect use of the product or prevailing conditions, over which we have no control. Thus, we cannot be held responsible for the final result. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the intended application.

M1 emission classification for building material
Key Flag