Matias Hamnström drives a forklift truck through Kiilto’s packaging facility with the ease of familiarity. Close to graduation, Hamnström is working at Kiilto’s packaging facility this summer. After that, the co-operation will continue through his logistics thesis.
Development ideas inspired by practice
The bachelor’s degree programme in logistics engineering strives to provide students with skills in the planning, development and customer-oriented management of logistics. Over the summer, Hamnström has been able to study the current situation and operations of Kiilto’s packaging supply warehouse at the grassroots level.
Starting in the autumn, Hamnström will strive to rationalise the operations of Kiilto’s packaging warehouse in his thesis project based on these observations and thoughts.
“This thesis will be extremely useful to us. Matias can address the issues of the packaging supply warehouse with a fresh perspective. This sort of optimisation work is easily overlooked in the rush, so this project is a great opportunity for us to truly delve into the issue,” says Packaging Manufacturing Manager Antti Pohja.
Summer job highlights: people and atmosphere
A meaningful summer job is the sum of many different parts. A good atmosphere, smooth co-operation and fair treatment at the summer workplace leave a positive memory that can last for decades.
“The best things about Kiilto have definitely been the nice atmosphere and the people,” Hamnström says with a smile.
“Matias is a smart and hands-on fellow who learns fast. He can work independently and with foresight. He doesn’t just sit there twiddling his thumbs if there is a lull,” Pohja says.
The cheerful Hamnström proves by example that even a summer worker can make an inspiring and refreshing contribution to the creation of a good work atmosphere. Positive interaction is created together.