Two new construction professionals have joined Kiilto’s construction business area since the turn of the year.
Saana Leppänen, who started in January, is Product Group Manager for Kiilto’s indoor air products, developing Kiilto’s indoor air system and services.
“Indoor air is an interesting topic and I can’t wait to be involved in solving the related problems.” Saana, a former entrepreneur in the renovation sector, will complete her Master’s degree in construction engineering this year.
Construction engineer Kimmo Huttunen started in February as head of product management within construction. He has previously worked for Saint-Gobain Finland Oy as Product Manager for building insulation, Export Manager of the gypsum and insulation business, Development Manager for building insulation, and Sales Manager for designer services. He has also worked for Kiilto once before.
“It’s great to return to Kiilto, and I feel very welcome here. Expectations are high, because ambitious targets have been set. I’m optimistic about reaching the targets, because the strategy is clear and there is plenty of potential for growth, both domestically in the self-levelling filler market and new indoor air business, and thanks to clearer product portfolios in Sweden, Russia and the Baltic countries. Within Kiilto, I want to act as an interpreter, filter and link between sales, product development, marketing and manufacturing.”