Kiilto trains its staff to be able to provide its customers with modern adhesive products that meet their needs. In the spring of 2016, Kiilto experts completed the European Adhesive Specialist qualification at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany.
“The three-week training was a good recap of things I already new and, at the same time, an excellent opportunity to focus on practical phenomena related to gluing, from the customer’s perspective as well,” says head of product development Soilikki Kotanen.
Better service and better products for customers
To Kiilto, the customer is everything. The staff must be up-to-date in terms of their knowledge and skills in order for the company to provide state-of-the-art products that are tailored to suit the customers’ processes. The training ensures continuous product development in a changing field.
“When your own expertise deepens, you can help the customers improve their own processes even more,” says Juha Rinne, Kiilto’s customer service manager.
The training provided the experts with new information on adhesive times and fresh tools for developing Kiilto products even further.
“In many ways, the field is developing all the time. Training is a good way of keeping track of new developments,” says Tero Mäkinen, Kiilto’s customer service manager.
“I also gained insight on how we can best teach and present matters related to glueing,” Kotanen says.
Trends focusing on customer orientation, wood construction and gluing as an alternative to mechanical joints
According to Kiilto experts, the most interesting current trends, alongside customer orientation, are wood construction and offering adhesive solutions as an alternative to mechanical joints.
“Gluing can be offered as an alternative to mechanical joints in an increasing number of cases. In this way, we can help our customers make their products lighter, safer and more recyclable, among other things,” Rinne describes.
“Wood construction offers interesting outlooks even internationally. In wood construction in Finland, we should now abandon the idea of doing pilot projects. We should move to really efficient industrial production,” Mäkinen says.