A low alkali, fiber-reinforced pumpable screed for heavy duty applications and industrial use.

Special features

  • pumpable
  • walkable after 1-3 h
  • paintable 




Kiilto Indusri K is a fast-setting pumpable screed for levelling and smoothing of heavy duty concrete floors in interior areas. Also suitable for manual application.

Kiilto Industry K is primarily used for bonded floor structures. Unbonded structures (floating) are not suitable for heavy duty use. Compatible with both electric and water underfloor heating.

The screed layer must be coated/covered with a suitable product, such as ceramic tile, laminate, engineered wood flooring, vinyl flooring, PU or epoxy coating.

A low alkaline screed layer protects the adhesive and vinyl coating from the damages caused by alkaline moisture in the concrete. Tests have shown that a 5 mm screed layer provides a protective effect.

Application temperature

+10-25 °C (mixed mass)

Bond strength

> 2 MPa

Classifications and certificates

CT-C35-F7 (EN 13813), M1


3 - 35 mm / 1 - 5 weeks (+23°C, 50 % RH)
Unfavourable drying conditions will retard drying.

For installation of flooring, follow national standards and the flooring manufacturer's instructions.

Compression strength

C35 (C>35MPa) EN 13813


approx. 1.7 kg powder/m²/mm


RWA 100
EN 13813

Fire class


Flexural strength

F7 (F>7MPa) EN 13813

Layer thickness

3-35 mm
* When applying thin layers, take into account product’s spreading properties.

Mixing ratio

4.0 litres / 20 kg powder (water amount 20 %)


< 0.04 %


In an unopened package 6 months in dry conditions

Substrate humidity

Concrete < 90 % RH


Resin-cement-quartzsandbased powder


1- 3 h

Working conditions

Substrate and room temperature +10-25 °C

Working time

Mixed mass must be use within 20 minutes after mixing.


≤ 11

Instructions for use

A bonded floor structure:
Ensure that the substrate is suitable for the product, e.g. sufficiently strong concrete. The substrate must be clean, dry, even, free of cracks, uncoated, free of oil and grease and any other substances that might impair adhesion and the final result. Remove cement laitance and smooth out irregularities. Smooth and dense surfaces must be sanded mechanically or ground to ensure proper adhesion, if necessary. The documented bond strength of the substrate must be 1.5 MPa at the minimum.

Movement joints on the substrate:
If movement joints are required, make them into the screed layer, down to the substrate. They are placed at the same position with the movement joints in the substrate. Joint width must be 10-15 mm at the minimum. There may also be alternative solutions.

Correct temperature is vital for a successful result. The substrate temperature must be min. +10 °C. The temperature must be monitored and ensured well before priming. A higher temperature is beneficial for the quality and drying time. Maximum temperature +25 °C.

Always prime the substrate with Kiilto Primer 001 according to the instructions given in the technical data sheet. Apply primer 1-48 h prior to levelling, and let dry before applying the screed. However, do not let the primer dry for more than 3 days, since the construction dust and other impurities may adhere to the primer coat and impair the adhesion of the screed. Note, if the primer is applied on larger areas with a so called primer pump, the primer must always be rubbed onto the substrate with a brush.
If working with non-absorbent substrates, please contact Kiilto contact person (pumpable levellings).

Make sure that the screed is homogenous and consistent, fluid and free of lumps. When making slopes, reduce the amount of water to ensure right consistency of the mass. Water temperature must be between +5...+20 °C.

Instructions for use:
Kiilto Industri K is pumped straight from the pumping truck on the substrate in stripes. Apply a new stripe on the previous one as soon as possible, so that they blend in and form an even and smooth layer. Make sure that the width of the stripes do not exceed 10 meters. Larger areas must be divided in smaller sections.
Check carefully that the drains and other penetrations are sealed properly before applying the screed to avoid clogging up the discharge pipes and having screed spilled on the surrounding surfaces.

Work the screed with a notched trowel or similar tool to ensure as a smooth surface as possible. If applying several screed layers, apply primer between each layer. Let the first screed layer dry at least 24 h prior to priming. Check and make sure that the surface is so dry that the substrate absorbs the primer. Mixing ratio when priming a new screed layer: Mix Kiilto Primer 001 in 3-10 parts of water depending on drying conditions and substrate's absorbency. Apply primer twice, if using over 7 parts of water.

Semi-hardened screed is easy to mold or cut. If planning to make levellings, do not wait too long.

The drying time of the screed depends on the substrate humidity, layer thickness, temperature of air and substrate and relative air humidity. Effective air ventilation accelerates drying.
For more information on the product’s self-drying properties, please contact Kiilto contact person (pumpable screeds).

Kiilto Industri K can be applied on concrete with RH 90%.
Note: The screed cannot withstand shrinkage or deformation due to drying of the substrate.

Before installing a surface material, make sure that the substrate structure is dry enough. The given drying times require a dry substrate, favourable drying conditions (approx. +20 ° C, RH 50%) and good ventilation. Pay special attention to floor's humidity level with moisture-sensitive flooring materials.

To prevent the screed from too quick drying and cracking, the applied screed should not be exposed to draft, high temperatures or direct sunlight during the first 3 days after application.

Water underfloor heating with accurate temperature control can be brought up to its operating temperature gradually after two weeks. Start by raising the temperature up to +15 °C or to floor's current temperature, if it is higher. After that, the floor temperature can be raised by 2 degrees every third day. If the room temperature is much lower than the screed's temperature, the floor temperature must be raised slower.

Additional information

The information given in this product data sheet is based on our tests and our practical knowledge. The technical data is defined in standard conditions. Variations in local working conditions and methods will affect the product performance and result. The result is also strongly affected by working methods. We guarantee the high quality of our products according to our Quality Management System. No liability can be accepted from incorrect use of the product or prevailing conditions, over which we have no control. Thus, we cannot be held responsible for the final result. To use the product properly, please read the product brochure, work instructions and the safety data sheet available at www.kiilto.com.

Environment and safety

Avoid unnecessary skin contact and exposure with the fresh product, use safety gloves. Refer to the material safety data sheet. For information on product and package disposal, visit www.kiilto.com.

M1 emission classification for building material
CE marking
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel